Why toddler tantrums occur and how to handle them effectively

If there is one thing about parenting that I still don't understand, it's how to handle my toddler's tantrums. Most of the time I end up with a bright red face from the outburst of temper, which happens over nothing or over something trivial. Although, my child is getting close to the big 4, we still have to deal with her occasional temper tantrums, which occur in a variety of forms.

Screaming, collapsing to the floor, crying, holding breadth, throwing things, and, in the worst cases, biting or harming others or themselves are all signs of a toddler having a temper tantrum, which normally begin at 18 months of age.

Why toddler tantrums occur?

Having trouble finding words to express the wide range of emotions experienced at such a young age and while language development is still in progress is the primary cause of toddler tantrums. In addition, toddlers are eager to express themselves yet lack the language skills to do so. As a matter of fact, they are frustrated, and that anger manifests itself in a temper tantrum. Furthermore, tantrums can occur when a youngster experiences substantial changes, such as the arrival of a sibling, or when he or she is under stress.

A child is less prone to have tantrums as they develop their language skills. In fact, studies show that tantrums are much less common at the age of four.

How to handle toddler tantrums effectively:

Take a deep breath: It is important to remember that tantrums are a normal part of toddlerhood and don't reflect poorly on you as a parent. So, before you react, take a deep breath and try to stay calm.

Acknowledge their feelings: Let your toddler know that you understand they are upset and that it's okay to feel that way. Also, it is important to validate their emotions, even if you don't agree with the cause of their tantrum.

Distract and redirect: When your toddler is in the middle of a tantrum, try to redirect their attention to something else. This could be a toy, a game, or a song. In fact, this can help to shift their focus away from what's causing the tantrum and give them something else to focus on.

Use humor: If you can see the humor in a situation, try to use it to diffuse the tension. Making a silly face or a silly sound can help to lighten the mood and get your toddler laughing.

Give them choices: Giving your toddler choices can help them feel more in control and reduce the likelihood of a tantrum. For example, instead of telling them what to do, ask them if they want to wear the red shirt or the blue shirt.

Take a time-out: If your toddler's tantrum is getting out of control, it may be best to give them a time-out. This means removing them from the situation and giving them a chance to calm down. It's important to remember that time-outs are not a punishment, but rather a way to give your toddler a chance to regain control.

Stay consistent: It's important to be consistent with how you handle tantrums. If you respond in the same way every time your toddler has a tantrum, they will learn what to expect and it will become less likely that they will have a tantrum in the future.

Lead by example: As a parent, you are the role model for your toddler, so it's important to stay calm and manage your own emotions during a tantrum. If you can stay calm and in control, it will be easier for your toddler to do the same.

Reward good behavior: When your toddler is able to control their emotions and avoid a tantrum, be sure to reward them with praise and positive attention. This will help them to see that good behavior is rewarded and will encourage them to continue to behave well in the future.

Remember, it's not personal: Tantrums are not a reflection of your parenting skills or your toddler's feelings towards you. Moreover, it is a normal part of toddlerhood and will pass as they grow and develop better communication skills.

In conclusion, handling tantrums in toddlers can be a tricky task but with a little patience, understanding and a sense of humor, you'll be able to navigate these challenging moments with ease. Remember to stay calm, acknowledge their feelings, redirect their attention, use humor, give them choices and reward good behavior. And most importantly, don't take it personally. Happy Parenting!
