6 Hair Care Tips for Shiny and Lustrous Hair.

Good Skin and Healthy Hair always leave a good impression. They always get noticed especially on women, and come on besides our outfits & shoes we end up working equally on skin & hair with make – up and styling respectively for any given occasion in our lives.

So let’s talk about Hair care today … it is just as important a regime as eating healthy or exercising. We are all gifted with genetically different hair types and add to this weather and lifestyle conditions sometimes create serious havoc in hair maintenance … so what must we do to follow a good hair car regime? Fashion Tourist Lists a few pointers:

Image courtesy discutivo - Flickr (Creative Commons)

1.    Nourishing the Hair
  • It is very important to nourish the scalp and one of the best and popular ways of doing it is by oiling our hair regularly (once a week is good enough). Oiling helps in increasing the blood circulation & needless to say how relaxing it makes one feel. There are a variety of Oils available in the market, right from the basic ones at General stores to fancy ones in Salons. However what is important is that oil should not be kept overnight or for more than 2 hours in one’s hair. If done so it can lead to excessive scalp drying after shampoo. Hence milder oils such as Mythic Oil are highly recommended which can also be used as daily serum nourishment.
  • There are other home – remedies too for scalp nourishment like applying egg, curd, lime etc … basically anything organic that comes from our kitchen is healthy for the hair and safe to use

2.    Hair Hygiene
  • Sweat & Pollution make our hair dirty just as much as they affect our bodies and therefore washing hair regularly is very important. Get rid off the dirt & grime settled on your head by shampooing and following it up with some conditioning will give your hair the much needed care
  • Just make sure that you use the appropriate shampoo that is designed for your hair type, so for example you are facing hair loss issues, use a shampoo that will combat that problem

3.    Avoid excessive styling
  • Yes we agree that those dryers, irons, curlers will just transform you into Jennifer Lopez in minutes but the harsh reality is that excessive styling damages hair; they come with side effects like hair fall, drying, split ends etc so go for these tools only when necessary. Also ensure that you apple a heat protecting serum or a similar spray to minimize the heat these tools bring on the hair
Image courtesy Mainstream - Flickr (Creative Commons)

4.    Trimming
  • Regular trimming helps you get you rid of any split ends & damaged hair thus making room for the healthier hair to blossom … so make it a point to make that customary visit to the salon every 2 months. Sometimes just slight trimming can make you feel great about your look as well as hair.

5.    Be gentle
  • Be nice to your locks; comb your hair gently with all the love. Combing & brushing harshly or in a rush will result in breakage and damage and particularly more when you have just washed them; so never comb hair immediately after a hair wash as hair are at their delicate and vulnerable best at this stage

6.    Eat & Drink Healthy
  • The advantages of eating Healthy food reach the human body right from head to toe. Consumption of Eggs, Milk products, Green Vegetables is great for hair. Also make sure that your body receives the important components it needs for example Iron deficiency can lead to major hair loss so make sure that your body receives these vitamins in adequate proportions
Image courtesy Daniel Go - Flickr (Creative Commons)

These were some easy – to – follow hair care tips and though we still go through bad hair days (which are unavoidable as hair go through their mood swings too), adapting these methods will surely help you establish a good hair care regime for yourself. Apart from these basic rituals one should also invest in a good salon for expert hair care advice. Kamal’s Salon that has been servicing happy clients for nearly 5 decades offers expert hair rituals like Lipidium (repairing), Lissceutic (anti frizz), Hair Spas - Relaxing Spa ritual & Mythic Oil- Relaxing dry hair ritual. All these start from Rs.1000 onwards. Located in Andheri East, Kandivali East and Altamount Road, one can check the entire range of their services here http://kamalssalon.in/

Image courtesy Mainstream - Flickr (Creative Commons)

Kamal’s Salon in association with Fashion Tourist is giving out 2 vouchers to 2 lucky winners. Place your answers to 3 easy questions in the comments section below to win. Contest is for Mumbai participants only and closes on August 5, 2015.

Q1) Name any 3 facials available at Kamal's?
Q2) Name the 4 pre bridal packages that can be availed at Kamal's?
Q3) Where are the branches of Kamal's located?

So Take Care of your Hair and Stay Happy :) 

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  1. There facial which I found is antitan facial
    Bridal facial
    And last is normal instan glow faciL
    Silver – Rs. 6,000/-
    Ruby – Rs. 8,000/-
    Gold – Rs. 11,000/-
    Platinum – 16,000/-
    A3) Altamount road

  2. Ans 1)
    Anti tan facial
    Bridal facial
    Normal instan glow facial
    Silver – Rs. 6,000/-
    Ruby – Rs. 8,000/-
    Gold – Rs. 11,000/-
    Platinum – 16,000/-
    Altamount Road
    Andheri :)

  3. A1)
    Anti tan facial
    Bridal facial
    Normal instan glow facial
    Silver – Rs. 6,000/-
    Ruby – Rs. 8,000/-
    Gold – Rs. 11,000/-
    Platinum – 16,000/-
    Altamount Road

  4. Ans 1)
    Anti-tan facial
    Bridal facial
    Instaglow facial
    Ans 2)
    Silver – Rs. 6,000/-
    Ruby – Rs. 8,000/-
    Gold – Rs. 11,000/-
    Platinum – 16,000/-
    Ans 3)
    Altamount Road

  5. There facial which I found is antitan facial
    Bridal facial
    And last is normal instan glow faciL
    Silver – Rs. 6,000/-
    Ruby – Rs. 8,000/-
    Gold – Rs. 11,000/-
    Platinum – 16,000/-
    A3) Altamount road

  6. 1)
    #Anti-tan facial
    #Bridal facial
    #Instaglow facial


    #Altamount Road

  7. Ans 1)
    Anti-tan facial
    Bridal facial
    Instaglow facial
    Ans 2)
    Silver – Rs. 6,000/-
    Ruby – Rs. 8,000/-
    Gold – Rs. 11,000/-
    Platinum – 16,000/-
    Ans 3)
    Altamount Road

  8. 1) Anti tan facial, Bridal facial & Normal instant glow facial
    2) Silver – Rs. 6,000/-, Ruby – Rs. 8,000/-. Gold – Rs. 11,000/-, Platinum – 16,000/-
    3) Altamount Road, Vashi, Kandivali, Andheri

  9. Congratulations @Avantika Chitlangia & @Unnati Shah for winning the #KamalKaMakeover Contest. Pls send your full details on contactfashiontourist@gmail.com

  10. I appreciate your thought on sharing this hair care tips. Due to plenty of chemical product today’s youth suffered a lot. Hope this is the right solution for it.

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