Simple Home Made Aloe Vera Face Packs For Radiant Healthy Skin

Aloe Vera Gel has been a widely popular ingredient in face packs and face masks. And sure why not! It does a fantastic job of moisturizing, healing, reducing scars/ blemishes & soothing the skin. 

Lets have a look at some face packs which you can make right within the comforts of your home and pamper your skin. They are super easy to make and won't take more than 2 minutes to whip up and apply on the face.

1. Aloe Vera + Milk cream + Rose water + Honey

Mix 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel with some malai (milk cream), honey and rose water. You can also add 1 teaspoon of milk if you want a thinner consistency. Make a paste and apply it on your face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it off in running water. This pack is very hydrating and helps in reducing dryness - hence great for dry skin.

2. Aloe vera + Avocado + Honey

Finely mash an avocado or blend the pulp if you have the time. Mix it with 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and some honey. You can even add some pureed cucumber for extra cooling. Just apply this on your face and forget about the world for sometime :)

Wash off after 15 minutes and follow it up with your usual skin care routine. (of toning & moisturizing)

3. Aloe Vera Gel with Yoghurt

Speaking of cooling, Yoghurt (dahi) does a fantastic job too of calming out irritated skin. It improves skin tone, reduces dark circles, soothes sun burns and the list goes on. 
If you want a simple and an easy face pack, combine 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 1 tablespoon of yoghurt. Mix well and apply on the face. Leave it for 10 -15 mins and wash off. This pack works very well for oily & combination skin.

4. Besan & Aloe Vera Gel

Now besan (gram flour) is a favourite skin care ingredient in India. Our grandmothers & mothers had numerous face pack recipes with this one ingredient alone. It is known to solve numerous skin problems, cleanse and adequately moisturize the face. 
So mix some besan with some aloe vera gel. You can add some rose water if you feel like. Make a fine paste and apply it all over your face and again wash off after 15 - 20 minutes. This pack works for all skin types

6. Aloe Vera Gel and Almond Oil

Bring in some skin brightness by combining aloe vera gel with almond oil. You can keep this face pack a little longer and wash it off as and when convenient. 

7. Aloe Vera Gel with Rose Water

If laziness has completely taken over your system, then just make a simple mix of aloe vera gel with rose water and apply it on the face. This packs if effective in general soothing of the skin and improving skin brightness.
