We have a few key pieces of information on how protein can help you shed pounds. As you undergo your weight loss journey, protein is the most important nutrient for weight loss. You have often heard your nutritionist that a high protein diet plays a vital role. Protein is necessary for tissue growth and body maintenance. Your protein requirements are determined by your health and degree of activity. Those wanting to lose weight may find that increasing their protein intake beyond that is beneficial if it does not increase calories.

You know that if you want to lose weight, you need to increase your protein intake, and a high-protein diet can help you lose weight significantly. A high-protein diet stimulates metabolism and leads to a natural reduction in calorie intake and cravings. Simultaneously, higher protein consumption can help you lose weight and keep it off in the long run. To achieve your healthy lifestyle goals, adding nutritional supplements to your diet plan for weight loss is also a good option. 

How Protein Will Help You To Lose Weight?

If you want to reduce weight, the minimum protein intake per kilogram of body weight should be 1.6 to 2.2 grams regularly (73 and 1 grams per pound). Now comes the major question: how much protein should a person take to reduce weight? While the answer depends on a person's gender, level of exercise, life stage, and medical history. If you have a BMI of more than 30 or a body fat percentage of more than 25-30%, it's best to base your protein recommendations on your target weight. Let's explore how much protein you need to maintain a healthy weight.

Protein is extremely important in the diet, so you'll feel fuller for longer. As a result, it also helps in automatic calorie reduction.

Reduced cravings and a decreased desire to snack at night have been linked to a high-protein diet.

Protein consumption has been demonstrated to have a greater thermic effect. This means it can raise the number of calories expended by 80 to 100 each day.

Protein has been proven to lower ghrelin (hunger hormone) levels and increase the appetite-suppressing hormones GLP-1 and PYY.

To increase your protein intake, you can include various high-protein items in your diet. Plant-based and animal-based protein sources are both beneficial for weight loss. You can also use weight loss supplements; you can add protein-rich foods such as eggs, nuts, chicken, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, milk, lean beef, and lentils.

8 High-Protein Foods To Lose Fat 

Soy protein - 

Because protein accounts for 36 percent of the soybean, soy products are the most protein-dense vegetables. However, we consume soy in various forms, and the amount of protein per serving varies significantly depending on the type of soy consumed.

Seitan - Seitan contains gluten, so some gluten-sensitive persons avoid it. Seitan has a protein content of 21 grams every 13 cups. It contains selenium and has low calcium, iron, and phosphorus levels. Seitan is not a complete protein like beans because of its low lysine content.

Lentils - Lentils' fiber also nourishes your body's healthy microorganisms, boosting digestive health. Lentils aid weight loss by making you feel fuller after eating them due to their high protein and fiber content. 

Lentils' soluble fiber slows food absorption, causing you to eat less the next meal since you feel fuller for longer. Lentils are strong in protein and low in fat, which helps to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and coronary heart disease.

Beans - Chickpeas and other beans have a high protein content per serving. When cooked, beans and lentils offer 15 grams of protein per cup. These are high in protein and complex carbohydrates, iron, folate, and phosphorus.

Nuts - Although all nuts are abundant in protein, some have a higher concentration than others: Peanuts have 20.5 grams of protein per half-cup, while almonds contain 16.5 grams. Nuts or nut butter can be used for smoothies, soups, salads, or just eaten as snacks. Adding a handful of mixed nuts to your daily diet and other protein-rich meals can help you feel full for longer and minimize cravings.

Spirulina - It is a blue-green alga that is so nutritious and relatively high in protein. Plus, it is also loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Two tablespoons of spirulina give 8 grams of protein and 22 percent of your daily vitamin C. 

Quinoa - Quinoa can be used in place of entire grains like pasta and rice. When cooked, quinoa offers 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per cup. Quinoa also has all nine necessary amino acids in abundance. 

Quinoa can be used instead of grains in salads or smoothies. According to a study, quinoa aids weight loss by boosting metabolism and decreasing appetite and it helps boost metabolism.

Chia seeds - These are high in protein and vital amino acids while being low in calories. Chia seeds have a protein content of 2 grams per tablespoon. Add chia seeds to your smoothies and salads after a workout, or create chia seed pudding for a snack. Alternatively, you can also add flax seeds, which provide 2 grams of protein per tablespoon.

Protein consumption keeps the body satiated for longer, keeping you from overeating. Proteins are also important for strength, muscle growth, and boosting the immune system. Adding some protein-rich foods to your diet will always be a healthier option. 
