Pidilite Launches ‘The Happy Homes’ Blog to Help Owners Realise their Dream Home

Anticipation mixed with excitement as we hailed a cab from Cochin airport to reach my husband’s ancestral home in Kerala. The family home known as tharavadu in his native language had taken centre-stage during our wedding revelry. Each element of the house held a special memory for my husband- the front porch where he played with his friends, the roof that shaded him from the harsh summer sun and gloomy rains and the wooden pillars where he hid from his mom to avoid an earful after playing mischief . We were not stepping just into a home but a majestic house that cradled his childhood....we could not wait. The tharavadu built years ago welcomed us with a warmth that enveloped me into loving it instantly. As I went room to room, I soaked in the majestic wood work and the strong foundation of the house. But I also noticed a few things. A few rooms had developed tiny cracks and the roof needed some mending. Environmental changes had played their trick on the exterior walls of  the house and at some places they seemed damp to my touch. I returned to my home in the city and decided to do something about these problems and started researching for some expert tips.

Co-incidentally a few days later Pidilite Industries top brands- Dr Fixit and Roff invited me to the launch of their The Happy Homes Blog. Intrigued, I decided to be a part of it as regular maintenance of my city home and renovation of our much loved tharavadu was on top of my mind.

 The launch also invited an expert panel consisting of Alpa Dalal, Pulmonologist, Omkar Thakur, Vastushastra Consultant, C.A Ramesh Prabhu – Head of Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association and Shilpi Kakkar Madan- Contributing Editor, Better Homes to encourage an interactive session amongst the invitees and the experts.

The session started with an immersive virtual reality experience that walked us through the various challenges like leakage, dampness, dirt accumulation in tile grouts and more faced in our everyday life and the products from Dr Fixit and Roff that can help us deal with them effectively. The expert panel discussion then started and it was time to take some notes. Alpa Dalal spoke about recurring illness faced by children and adults in case of presence of molds & dampness at home- something that had never crossed my mind. Shilpi Kakkar Madan gave insights into latest home decor trends like including green plants into our homes for an organic feel and also clever use of tiles in various rooms to add character.

Finally it was time to unravel “The Happy Homes Blog” in midst of lot of cheering. The blog focuses on featuring insightful articles to help home-owners like us to renovate, build, maintain and realise their dream homes. Neatly categorized into helpful sections like “Renovation”, “Home Keeping” , “Building a Home” and “Trends” the blog covers extensive topics in areas like waterproofing solutions, roof-repair, tiling, decor and renovation ideas , latest trends in home improvement and decor among several more. The blog also features a ‘healthy home calculator’, which poses a series of questions and determines the health of a particular home based on the answers given.

Everyday home owners face multiple challenges in the upkeep of their homes. The Happy Homes blog aims at offering valuable insight to better home-improvement decisions, a commendable effort by Pidilite, a pioneer in adhesives and sealants, construction chemicals, polymer emulsions and craftsmen and DIY (Do-It-Yourself) products. So that you take informed steps towards realizing your dream home with a little help from The Happy Homes blog :)


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