Hair Care Tips for Winters

Winter is a harsh season as far as skin and hair are concerned. It causes extreme dryness of the skin including the scalp. This dryness can lead to itchy scalp, dandruff and in some aggravate eczema. Eczema is a skin allergy that is best treated by a doctor. However, dryness, itchy scalp and dandruff can be taken care of to some extent with the help of cosmetic home remedies.

Here are some of such remedies that you can follow to take care of your hair during winters.


This is an age-old therapy, although best done by a professional at a salon. However we can also do it ourselves provided we do not press wrong pressure points on the head. So, most suggested is a mild massage with a mix of some very effective oils. This can take good care of your scalp in winters.

Ingredients for the oil:
The oil mix described here is for one time use for hair up to shoulders. You can increase or decrease the quantity according to your hair length.

Take one tsp of almond oil + half tsp of castor oil + one tsp of olive oil or coconut oil.

Boil a little water in a pan and separately, heat an empty steel bowl (small katori) till u see smoke coming from it. Switch off the gas and pour all the oils in the hot bowl and mix them well. Be cautious not to touch the bowl with bare hands. Now, keep this steel bowl in the boiled water. Make sure the level of the water is lesser than the height of the steel bowl so that no water is spilled over inside the bowl.

Make 6-7 equal sections of the hair. Dip the cotton in the prepared oil and apply on the roots and then on the shaft of the hair. Keep overnight if you have a normal or dry skin. For oily skin, do not keep the oil for more than an hour. Do towel steaming and wash with warm water and a mild shampoo. Repeat after every two days.


This hair pack can work wonders for you. It's simple and very effective and takes good care of dryness and dandruff. This pack must be repeated at least twice a week for best results. All you need is some off-the-kitchen-shelf ingredients.

Image Courtesy: wan chi cheuk - Creative Commons

Ingredients for the pack:
This again is for hair unto shoulder length.

One large egg + whole milk cream + almond oil one tsp+ mustard oil one tsp+ some fresh Aloe Vera gel. First mix the egg and cream and Aloe Vera gel and then add up the oils.

Make 5 main sections of the hair and then as you apply make many small sub sections from each section. Dip a cotton swab in the pack and start applying from roots to the shaft. After the application is done, wear a shower cap. The body heat generated within the cap helps the skin rejuvenate better. Keep the pack on for an hour. For extreme dry scalp, keep the pack on for one and a half hour.

Rinse the hair with warm water and wash them with a mild shampoo. End the hair wash with 10 ml of vinegar mixed in a large mug of water.


This deep conditioning works wonders for the hair. Although, quite extensive and a bit time-consuming this process is a blessing for the hair. It has 3 stages each having great impact on your hair.

Image Courtesy: Betsy Jons - Creative Commons


Oil and Massage: Oil and lightly massage your hair with any warmed oil like olive, almond or coconut oil. Application should be done the way it is described earlier in this article. Follow this with steaming. Keep the oil on for 1/2 hr and wash with warm water and a mild shampoo.


Mask:  Take 2 tbsp of full fat mayonnaise + coconut oil + fresh full fat milk cream + olive oil. This mask works wonders on removing the dryness and itchy scalp.

This mask works like a spa cream, nourishing the hair from root to its shaft.
Make 5 main sections of the hair and then in every section make sub-sections and start applying the mask with a hair colour application brush. After you are done, leave the mask on for 1/2 hr covered with a shower cap. Rinse the hair with warm water. Do not shampoo at this stage.


Hair Pack: Take a large egg + full fat yogurt + corn floor 1 tbsp + 1 tbsp almond oil

Apply the pack by making 5 main sections and then sub-sections of each section. Apply with the help of a hair colour brush. Keep the pack on for 1 hr and cover with a shower cap. This step takes care of the dandruff. Rinse the hair with warm water and then shampoo the hair. Next, for the last rinse, mix 10 ml vinegar in a large mug of water. Repeat these steps at least once every 15 days and you will be amazed at the results that you get.

These simple procedures are very doable and you must try them and see the results for yourself. These are a must if you want shiny, healthy and soft hair this winter!


  1. Thanks for such a helpful article...
    Very useful in this chilling season..

  2. Very useful information for this season

  3. While comparing with other seasons winter is most important because in this season hairs are became dry. Thanks for sharing this winter hair care tips.

  4. Great tips! Its so cold and dry out there!

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