5 Ways to Keep Your Scalp Cool In Summer

They say & sing "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"; but the heat outside is a little different my friend. While it almost kills you, it also makes you more irritable & dehydrated without adding much to the strength bit. Everyone around complains, cribs about the weather & there's really nothing much anyone can do about it. Increasing fan speed or seeking asylum in air conditioners is one option. One can also try some home remedies to cool the scalp & use oil to keep head cool in summer. 

Usually the heat gets on the head & we all wonder how to keep scalp cool in summer. Here are a few steps you could take to manage your agony in the hot sun with scalp cooling home remedies.

1. Ice Packs on the head - cold compresses

Take an ice pack (or wrap a few cubes of ice in a hand towel) and compress it all over your head. Rest each compression for a few seconds in one section and move on to the other, until you cover the entire scalp. This feels so divine and soothing. It might just calm your heat induced hyper nerves too.

2. Keep your head covered when headed out

When headed out in the sun, simply wrap a light cotton stole/ scarf around your head. It not only looks funky but just also guards the head from the heat.

3. Use an Umbrella

Come Rain, Come Shine - provide yourself a small roof while you are on the move. Using an umbrella in this heat is a wise thing to do. If you haven't used an umbrella in the sun before, you have to try it once to see the difference. The shade umbrellas provides make the heat decently bearable.

4. Use Scalp Cooling Packs

Try some home made packs which will cool off your scalp. Take some Aloe vera gel, add a few drops of peppermint oil, mix well & apply on the scalp. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. 

Similarly applying cold yoghurt (curd/ dahi) on the scalp, massaging & subsequently washing off helps to keep head cool naturally.

5. Keep yourself Hydrated

This sentence gets said & repeated in almost every beauty article but at the same time every health regime is incomplete without it. DRINK LOTS OF WATER. The heat could get you easily dehydrated. Consumption of water will help in preventing that situation.

Hope these help :)
