Self Care Beauty Rituals To Practice At Home

Self-care is giving the world the best of you, not what's left of u - a famous beauty self-care quote we absolutely love. As we adjust to our new routines- staying more at home, managing work-life balance, juggling chores, eating healthy, we are all looking at ways to brighten up our day. Moreover, between reducing trips to our favorite beauty parlor & trying to look- feel better, we end up skipping many beauty rituals. 

But, wait!! What if we told you that, a few self-care routines can be easily practiced whilst you are engaged in daily chores? Don't believe us? Well, let's look at a few self care beauty rituals to practice at home.

Whip up a simple face mask/scrub:

Next time, do not throw away leftover coffee grounds. Collect & put in a bowl. Next, mix little honey. Apply all over facial skin. Keep as long as you enjoy your daily cup of rejuvenation. Finally, wash off with gentle circular motions. In addition, one can also apply potato peels or a slice of tomato while cooking. Tomato helps reduce sebum whereas potato acts as a natural bleach. Frying pakoras? Whip up a simple face mask with besan, pinch of turmeric & milk/curd. Apply & go about your chores. Wash off after 15 minutes. Now, how's that for some beauty self-care. 

Also read: Beauty Benefits Of Coffee & How To Use For Hair, Skin & Face

Instant Manicure:

Think manicure can be done only by professionals? Try a simple instant manicure while heating water for various kitchen chores. Keep some hot water aside. Next, adjust temperature to make it comfortable. Add a little olive oil & rose water. Dip for hands for 10 minutes. Finally, wash off & pat dry. Later, apply a soothing hand cream to pamper. Without a doubt, your ticket to happy hands.

Bring back that glow:

Neglecting yourself nowadays, due to increased work load? It's time to indulge in a 10 minute body polish routine. Take some cocoa powder, Himalayan pink salt & mix milk cream. Jump into the shower & apply all over your body with gentle circular movements. The anti oxidants present in cocoa powder help fight free radical damage. The salt helps gently exfoliate. Wash off & apply moisturizer. One of the best self-care tips for skin, isn't it? So go, on indulge in some self body care.

Also read: Natural homemade body scrubs using fruits & vegetables

Healthy hair mask:

Love cracking eggs for breakfast recipes? Crack one extra for healthy hair. Mix your regular conditioner or a few drops of virgin coconut oil & mix. Apply all over from roots to tips. Wear a shower cap & chef up family meals. Wash off with your regular shampoo-conditioner routine. Finally, spray some rose water for healthy, happy hair.
