5 Effective Home Made Hair masks

An astonishing variety of hair masks are available today off the shelf that sometimes may leave us confused. Also, they may contain chemicals that offer no guaranties whether they would help us tackle the many hair problems that we face on a regular basis. On the other hand, Organic home made masks take repeated applications but offer positive effects and help boost our hair health.

Many hair problems can be addressed with some everyday household ingredients available easily in our kitchens. Fashion Tourist brings to you some easy to make hair masks that help you flaunt silky, shiny and thick hair sitting at home.

1 . Hung curd , milk powder and egg mask: This mask is beneficial for dry, dull and frizzy hair

Ingredients: 2 tbsp curd  +  2 tbsp milk powder + 01 egg + 1 tsp turmeric powder

Preparation: Mix all ingredients together to make a paste. Add more milk powder if the mask is watery. Keep this paste aside for 10 minutes.

Application: Make 5 partings of the hair and start application from the nape area by further dividing it into 3 parts. Take an application brush and apply from roots to shaft. Repeat the same procedure for all the partings. Keep the mask on for 20-30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. After rinsing, wash your hair with a baby shampoo.

2. Almond mask: This mask helps strengthen the roots and reduces hair fall

Ingredients: 5-7 almonds, 2-3 tbsp of milk (full cream), 1 tsp of olive oil

Preparation: Grind the almonds to a paste. Keep adding milk and olive oil to make a fine paste.

Application: Divide the hair in 11 partings and apply the mask on the roots of all the partings. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes and then cover the whole length and keep the mask on for another 30 minutes. Rinse the hair with lukewarm water and wash with a baby shampoo.

3. Avocado, mayonnaise and lemon mask: This mask takes care of flaky scalp and dandruff

Ingredients: 2 avocadoes  + 4 tbsps  of mayo + juice of one lemon

Preparations: Take the pulp of the avocados and mix with the mayonnaise and lemon juice.

Application: Divide the hair in 9 to 11 partings. Apply the mask with an application  brush from roots to shaft. Keep the pack on for 30 minutes than steam the hair with a  hot towel or a steamer. Rinse the hair with lukewarm water and wash with a baby shampoo.

4: Coconut mask: This mask helps you get shiny and thick hair

Ingredients: 01 cup coconut cream + 2 tbsp coconut oil + 3 tbsp milk powder + 01 tbsp milk

Preparation: mix the coconut cream, 01 tbsp coconut oil, powder milk and milk together in a blender make a paste.

Application:  Apply the remaining 01 tbsp of  coconut oil on the hair roots and divide the hair into 9 to 11 parts. Apply the mask from roots to tips and immediately steam the hair for 2-3 minutes with a steamer. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and after that rinse with warm water. Wash hair with a baby shampoo.

Image Source: spoonuniversity.com

5. Fenugreek mask: This mask helps you avoid premature graying of hair

A bunch of fenugreek (250 gms approx) + 10 gms fenugreek seeds + 01 tbsp olive oil

Preparation: Make a paste of fenugreek leaves by adding warm water. Soak fenugreek seeds in warm water and keep over night. Make a paste of these seeds and mix in the paste of fenugreek leaves. Add olive oil and mix to make a consistent paste.

Application: Divide the hair in 9 to 11 partings and apply the mask from roots to the tip of the hair. keep the mask on for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with warm water and later wash with a baby shampoo.

Image Source: www.doctoroz.com

As you can see from the masks mentioned above, none of them would require much efforts or special difficult-to-get ingredients for preparing. All these would be there either in your fridge or your pantry shelf. The benefits of organic ingredients are well known and should be preferred over chemical hair packs that are available in the market. Do try making and applying the organic masks and don't forget to share your experience with us in the comments section :)


  1. Very well written...very informative

  2. Really great ideas

  3. Nice one fenugreek one works

  4. Very easy remedies really gud

  5. Very easy remedies really gud

  6. Thanks for such easy hair mask..

  7. this is really something. I suffer from a lot of hair fall. I hope it will get controlled with an organic hair mask. Thnks a ton!

  8. Very informative and doable


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